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Why Al Bibak?
If you have plan to buy a property, How do you find a real estate agent?
- You say: Just check the apps? I say: It's cool to find a property with an app. You may also check the price or history of the property through some websites. But it;s not all you need! With an expert agent, you'll save lots of money on your purchasing. You need someone knows how to deal with a multi offer property or when and how to put an offer in safe side without any risks.
Also calculating the right price of the property is one of the most important acts in buying process.
- You say: The famous local agents or find who has more listings? I say: It;s a good choice, but remember that when they are busy with numerous clients.
- You say: Why Al Bibak? I say: I have an special option! Normally my Photography company takes 3 to 6 new properties for sale per day. It means that I can find a lot of houses before coming to the market for you and if you hire me as a buyer agent, you will be the first clients to see these properties even before coming on the market. Specially in Sellers market, the time and information are so important.